The Dew-10 Series is a family of low cost, high performance chilled
mirror dew point transmitters comprising pipe, duct, and wall mount
models. All models provide accurate and reliable dew point measurements
over a wide range for energy management and process applications.
Accuracy for the series is +/- 0.5ºC (+/- 1ºF). Dew point may be
measured over a range of -40º to +58ºC (-40º to +136ºF). The wall mount
version is also available with an optional air temperature measurement
capability over the same range.
In the Dew-10 sensor, a miniature heat pump cools a metallic mirror.
When the mirror temperature reaches the dew point of the surrounding
air, a thin dew layer condenses on the mirror surface. This condensation
is optically detected. A feedback loop keeps the mirror at the exact
dew point by continuously controlling the mirror temperature. A
precision RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is imbedded just beneath
the surface of the mirror, allowing the dew point temperature to be
accurately measured.
Maintenance is easy. Ambient temperature effects, hysteresis, and
calibration drift with age are virtually non-existent. Filter
replacement and cleaning the mirror with a cotton swab restores the
transmitter to its original condition.
- click here - to download the Dew -10 datasheet