GE Panametrics Ultrasonic Transit-Time Liquid Flowmeters
AquaTrans AT868 - Liquid Flow Ultrasonic Transmitter
GE AquaTrans AT868 ultrasonic flowmeter combines state-of-the-art
flow measurement capability with a rugged, low-cost transmitter package
that can be installed right at the process measurement point. It is
designed specifically for municipal applications such as water,
wastewater and sewage. Setup and service are easily accomplished by
using the AT868 transmitter’s internal keypad or by connecting the AT868
to a laptop PC and using GE Panametrics instrument interface software.
The PanaFlow Meter System offers the benefits of ultrasonic flow
measurement, including no pressure drop, no moving parts to replace and
extremely low maintenance, in a complete flowmeter system package that
is preferred in the chemical, oil and gas, and other industries for
permanent installation in rugged process environments.
Accuracy is typically one to two percent of reading with clamp-on
transducers, and better than one percent with wetted transducers. Flow
measurement range is 0.1 to 40 ft/s (0.03 to 12.2 m/s), for a turndown
ratio of 400 to 1. Measurement is obstructionless, causing no pressure
drop and is noncontaminating.
- click here - to download the AT868 brochure |
DigitalFlow DF868 - Liquid Ultrasonic Flowmeter
GE's DF868 ultrasonic liquid flowmeter is a fixed-installation meter
based on our award-winning TransPort PT868 portable ultrasonic liquid
flowmeter. The DF868 is available with two built-in measuring modes.
Using clamp-on flow transducers, the DF868 flowmeter measures flow rate
through metal, plastic or even concrete-lined pipes without penetrating
the pipe wall.
GE's Transit-Time mode, with advanced signal coding and correlation
detection methods, provides drift-free flow measurements in ultraclean
to dirty liquids. This mode handles 80 percent of multiphase
liquids-including fluids with gas bubbles, liquid droplets and entrained
solids-that previously required Doppler-type meters because
conventional transit-time meters failed. Using advanced technology
available only from GE Panametrics, an innovative TransFlection mode
expands the DF868 flowmeter’s measuring capabilities to include
applications previously handled only by Doppler meters, such as raw
sewage, sludge, slurries and other extremely attenuating multiphase
fluids. An optional dual-channel/dual-path model can be configured for a
variety of uses including flow measurement in two different pipes, leak
detection by measuring at two different locations on the same pipe and
dual-path measurement at one location for maximum accuracy.
TransPort PT878 - Portable Liquid Ultrasonic Flowmeter
The TransPort PT878 flowmeter packs big features into a compact,
light package. Its built-in datalogger can store more than 100,000 data
points and up to 32 sets of site location parameters. You can add an
optional built-in ultrasonic thickness gage. Temperature transducers are
available for measuring energy flow rate. The rechargeable battery
provides six to eight hours of continuous remote operation. The unit has
a built-in infrared port to transfer datalog, site and other files to
your PC. A rugged, sealed enclosure provides IP67 submersibility to
protect the PT878 if it should accidentally fall into water.
The PT878 is one of the most powerful portable liquid flowmeters
available. It measures flow from outside plastic, metal or
concrete-lined pipes nonintrusively, so there’s no pressure drop, leaks
or contamination. Patented correlation algorithms resolve transit-time
signals like no other flowmeter and allow the PT878 to measure flow in
ultrapure to extremely dirty liquids such as raw sewage and slurries.
DigitalFlow XMT868i - Liquid Ultrasonic Transmitter
The XMT868i liquid flow transmitter combines state-of-the-art flow
measurement capability with a low-cost transmitter package that measures
only 8.2 by 6.6 in (20.1 by 16.8 cm), weighs only 10 lb (4.5 kg) and
can be installed right at the process measurement point. The all-digital
XMT868i has no moving parts and provides long-term, drift-free
operation. An on-board microprocessor provides exclusive digital signal
coding and correlation detection routines, automatic adjustment to
changing fluid properties, dynamically configured operating software to
simplify programming and built-in energy flow measurement.
BWT - Bundle Waveguide Technology System
System For Cryogenic LNG and other Extremely Low or High Temperature Ultrasonic Flowmeter Applications
The Bundled Waveguide Transducer (BWT) System, a technological
innovation in ultrasonic flow measurement, is the key for flow
measurement in Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in large pipes. The robust
BWT System is the proven solution for cryogenic LNG applications,
including the outlet of liquefaction trains and off-loading from ships
to storage tanks. In addition to these low-temperature applications, the
BWT System is the leading technology for measuring liquids in extreme
conditions, including high-temperature, low-density and
high-temperature, and highly viscous liquids. Although the installation
is wetted, BWT transducers are obstructionless, producing no pressure
drop or flashing in the system. The BWT System is compatible with most
GE Sensing Panametrics liquid or gas ultrasonic flowmeters.
Installations last virtually forever since there are no moving parts.
BWT transducers are available in a single-buffer design, or a
double-buffer design for higher temperatures. The buffer is a collection
of bundled cylindrical elements that provide a path for the ultrasonic
signal to travel from the transducer to its wetted tip. This design
provides two major advantages. First, keeping the piezoelectric element
of the transducer away from the process keeps the element near ambient
temperature, thus preventing any potential for temperature damage.
Second, bundling the elements allows transmission of a highly collimated
beam of ultrasound into the fluid.

PanaFlow Meter System - Integrated Ultrasonic Flowmeter
The GE PanaFlowTM Meter System wetted ultrasonic flowmeter
product for liquids, gases or steam that uses standardized flowmeter
body designs with options for one or two-path ultrasonic transducers,
and local or remote flowmeter electronics. The PanaFlow Meter System is
designed for applications such as natural gas, fuel gas, hydrocarbon
liquids or gases, solvents, weak acids, water, and saturated or
superheated steam.
The PanaFlow Meter System offers the benefits of ultrasonic flow
measurement, including no pressure drop, no moving parts to replace and
extremely low maintenance, in a complete flowmeter system package that
is preferred in the chemical, oil and gas, and other industries for
permanent installation in rugged process environments.